More and more in our day there is a growing disdain toward the things of God, His Word and the truth it contains. While we as believers see God as holy and His Word as a precious gift, the world rejects both. In fact, not only does the world reject God and His Word, but they call evil good and good evil. This is why the command of Christ, Do Not Cast Pearls, is so important.
As Christians, God has given us the wonderful privilege of sharing His Word with others. But as this command warns, we must be careful with whom, how, and when we share it. If we are not careful, we risk casting what is holy and precious at the feet of those who will not only trample them, but will also attack us. It is only the wisdom and understanding that comes from God, His Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit that will enable us to have the discernment we need.
The book of Proverbs is full of examples of the result of either heeding or rejecting God’s Word. Those who reject it become ensnared, but those who heed it, find it to be a precious treasure of priceless value. Let’s daily look to God to provide us wisdom and opportunities to share His Word with those who are ready to hear it!