Bonus: The Adventures of “God’s Double Agent” with Bob Fu

Oct 2, 2023

Imagine growing up in a poverty stricken family in Communist China, having financial and political aspirations, taking part in the Tiananmen Square protest, being labeled an “instigator of unrest” by the government, then being brought to public shame that led to despair and almost suicide. All this was the backdrop for young Bob Fu’s life, and became the means that led him to open his heart to the living God whose Word says that “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Upon coming to Christ, Bob Fu’s life only became more adventurous! As told in his book God’s Double Agent, he became a teacher in the communist schools by day and a leader in the underground church after hours. After he and his wife were thrown into prison for “illegal religious activity,” God miraculously made a way for them to escape China. His burden for his persecuted brothers in China led him to start ChinaAid — an organization that brings help and awareness to those who are being persecuted in China. Bob Fu is one of the leading voices in the world for persecuted faith communities in China.

  • Gabe Cleator, Host

    Gabe Cleator loves Jesus and desires to help others to cultivate an intimate relationship with Him. His years of ministry to young men through the Journey to the Heart program as well as serving with Family Conferences have all been fueled by his desire to see people embrace Christ as the All-Sufficient One.  He holds a bachelor's degree in Biblical Ministries and currently serves as the director of the Home Discipleship Network under the ministry of IBLP. His vision as the director is dynamic and focused. He says, “My heart burns to see God's people turn back to a vibrant, living Christianity that has Christ at the center and the Word as the foundation.” In 2021, Gabe released his first book, Always and in Everything, calling God’s people to discover the power of giving thanks in all things.   Gabe and his wife, Sara, live in East Texas where they enjoy serving the Lord together. Gabe loves spending time in the great outdoors, especially when it involves taking fishing trips or visiting National Parks. From mountains and canyons, to waterfalls and wildlife, he takes great joy in the fact that his Heavenly Father made all these things!

  • Bob Fu, Guest

    Bob Fu is one of the leading voices in the world for persecuted faith communities in China. Fu was born and raised in mainland China and was a student leader during the Tiananmen Square demonstrations for freedom and democracy in 1989. Fu graduated from the School of International Relations at the People’s University in Beijing and taught English to Communist Party officials from 1993-1996. Fu was also a house church leader in Beijing until he and his wife, Heidi, were imprisoned for two months for “illegal evangelism” in 1996. Bob and Heidi fled to the United States as religious refugees in 1997 and subsequently founded ChinaAid in 2002 to bring international attention to China’s gross human rights violations and to promote religious freedom and rule of law in China. As president of ChinaAid, Fu has testified before the Congressional Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (USCHR), the Foreign Press Association, the European Commission and European Union Parliament. Fu regularly briefs the State Department and Members of Congress on the status of religious freedom and the rule of law in China. In 2008, Fu was invited to the White House to brief President George W. Bush on religious freedom and human rights in China. He is the recipient of the 2020 William Wilberforce Award from the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Fu’s autobiography God’s Double Agent details his conversion to Christianity, his arrest and imprisonment for starting an illegal house church, his harrowing escape, and his subsequent rise to prominence in the United States as an advocate for his oppressed brethren.