Bonus: “What’s a Missionary” with Dean Kershner

Aug 1, 2023

What do you think of when you hear the word “missionary”? Do you need to go to a foreign country? Do you need to have formal training? Or do you need to learn a foreign language? Unfortunately, we tend to stereotype missionaries leading us to define mission work unbiblically. In this episode, you won’t want to miss what Dean Kershner has to share as he biblically defines mission work, shares precious stories and gives practical insight on learning to be a missionary as God defines it!

It is a blessing to have Dean Kershner as a guest on the podcast. While you may know Dean for his gifted ability to dramatize heroes of faith, such as Vanya or Hudson Taylor, he has also had the opportunity to invest in God’s Kingdom all around the world. Dean’s international work began in Moscow, Russia in 1992 where he served for five years. Dean and his wife currently work with Gospelink, a ministry that supports indigenous preachers financially, educationally, and practically. He has a contagious passion for the gospel and incredible stories from his experiences!

  • Nate Paine, Host

    Nate Paine enjoys encouraging people in God’s Word. When he was eleven years old, Nate gave his life to the Lord, and about that same time, felt God’s call on his life to preach the Word. In pursuing this call, Nate earned his BA in Biblical Ministry and was licensed and ordained. In his teens and his twenties, he began to mentor young men through the Journey to the Heart as well as pour himself into prison ministry discipling inmates in multiple correctional facilities. Nate, his wife and six children live in East Texas where he serves on staff with IBLP and the Home Discipleship Network.

  • Dean Kershner, Guest