How are we to “go to offenders” in the first place? So often we approach an offender with our motive being vindication — we go in anger and pride and with a desire to expose them. However it is key that we approach a straying brother with the heart God has for them. If we go with an attitude of humility, love and a desire to restore, it has the potential to open their heart in a way that it wouldn’t have otherwise.
Imagine the change we would see if we, as the Body of Christ, had a heart for restoration toward offenders! Imagine if, instead of reacting to offenders in bitterness or pride, we allowed God to give us a heart of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. As believers, we need to walk in the awareness that we have been forgiven so much! As our eyes are opened to God’s love and forgiveness in “going to His offenders,” we will gain His heart to restore our offenders as well.