Have you ever wondered why your prayers seem unanswered? Or that God appears to be distant and that your attempts to serve Him go unnoticed? Christ gave us the command to Practice Secret Disciplines as a key to make a “distant God” very real and personal!
In Matthew 6:1-18, Jesus commands us to give, pray and fast in secret. Why in secret? When we do something in secret, no one sees besides God. This allows Him to be the only One glorified and gives Him the opportunity to reward us openly. But, if we do things to receive praise from man, we lose God’s reward. And not only this, but we give up an opportunity to develop greater intimacy in our fellowship with Him.
If a believer desires deeper intimacy with God and the reward of Biblical disciplines, they must learn to pursue God in secret. God has promised He will reward us openly if we obey Him secretly. Seeking God through practicing secret disciplines is not only rewarding, it is fulfilling. It is through these disciplines that we can further cultivate a deeper intimacy and fellowship with the Lord.