Love the Lord: Part 1
Realizing that all the commands are actually an expression of love — God’s love to us and our love to God — changes our outlook completely.
Realizing that all the commands are actually an expression of love — God’s love to us and our love to God — changes our outlook completely.
What feeling does the word “command” evoke in you? God’s commands aren't just to make us behave and “stay in line.” His commands flow from a heart of love.
Have you ever considered that Jesus was born in Bethlehem (fulfilling Old Testament prophecy) because Joseph and Mary were traveling to Bethlehem to pay taxes?
The “double command” in this command is eye-opening! Truly everything we have is from the Lord and is to be used for the Lord. If we gain a vision for “rendering to God the things that are God’s” it will have a profound impact on every aspect of our lives.
“Should we pay the tax to Caesar?” was a politically & religiously charged question — and it was asked intentionally to trap Jesus. Would He openly defy Rome? or would He speak against His people, the Jews? In profound wisdom, He cut right to their hearts.
How do we help people without enabling them? How do we help without hurting? These are tricky questions.
Where is your focus? Is it on yourself, your dreams, and your goals? We miss out on participating with God and how He wants to touch others when our attention is consumed with ourselves.
Do you ever find yourself having an attitude of superiority toward those who you think are “less than” you? We need to realize that we were — and still are — “the poor.”