Love Your Neighbor: Part 2
Loving our neighbor fulfills God’s law because it mirrors His character in us. This love is not based on fleeting emotions but on a commitment to put others above ourselves.
Loving our neighbor fulfills God’s law because it mirrors His character in us. This love is not based on fleeting emotions but on a commitment to put others above ourselves.
God's love is not passive but active, requiring us to serve selflessly, forgive freely, and reflect on Christ’s sacrificial love to everyone — family, neighbors, strangers, and even enemies. We cannot love in our own strength; only by abiding in Christ and receiving His love can we truly love others.
Recognize the things that creep in and distract us from loving God with a whole heart: fear, worry, the world — and even just busyness with seemingly good things.
Throughout the entire Bible, the primary way that loving God is defined is by keeping His commandments. But what does "keep" really mean?
Can you imagine a man professing deep love for his wife, then saying, “I just spend 5 minutes a day with her”?
Realizing that all the commands are actually an expression of love — God’s love to us and our love to God — changes our outlook completely.
What feeling does the word “command” evoke in you? God’s commands aren't just to make us behave and “stay in line.” His commands flow from a heart of love.
Have you ever considered that Jesus was born in Bethlehem (fulfilling Old Testament prophecy) because Joseph and Mary were traveling to Bethlehem to pay taxes?