Where this command is found:

“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Matthew 10:28

In Matthew 10:28, Jesus gives the command to Fear Not. But, have you ever noticed the second part of this verse, “. . . but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell”? Jesus actually gives us a critical key to conquering the fear of man — a fear of God.

But what is the difference between having a fear of God and a fear of man? Fear can be motivated by one of two things: truth or deception. The fear of God is based on the truth of Who He is. This produces love, honor, and respect. The fear of man is based upon the lies that we believe about ourselves and others that are not in accordance with the Word of God. This fear produces insecurity, distrust, and anxiety.

If we desire to be freed from the fear of man, we must place our supreme focus on Who God is and His love for us. We do this by treasuring His words within our heart, making it our delight. As the truth takes root within our heart, it will begin to dispel lies we believe and the fear of man will begin to lose its grip on our lives. Our love for God will begin to grow and we will begin to fear Him rather than fearing man.

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Fear Not — Part 1

Is it even possible to be free from fear? Listen as Gabe & Nate share from the words of Jesus explaining how we can walk in trust of our loving Heavenly Father and be free from fear.


Fear Not — Part 2

As we gaze upon God and know Him for Who He truly is — a God Who cares for us but is also righteous & holy — we are delivered from all our fears.


Fear Not — Part 3

Nate & Gabe paint a beautiful picture of how treasuring the Word of God in our hearts directly connects with learning to live in the fear of God. His words hidden in our heart becomes a shield that protects us from the enemy!


Fear Not — Part 4

From Daniel who continued to pray openly to David who ran toward Goliath, Scripture gives many examples of those who lived boldly and confidently in the midst of fearful circumstances!
