In this encouraging episode, Nate and Gabe expound on several Scriptures that address fear. This episode paints a beautiful picture of how treasuring the Word of God in our hearts is directly connected with learning to live in the fear of God. His words hidden in our heart becomes a shield that protects us from the fiery darts of the enemy. It is when we forget the words and works of God that fear creeps into our lives.
In a day of political correctness and pressure to conform, we need more than ever to be free from fear of man. But how? By fearing God! What we fear becomes our focus. It is our focus that determines the direction our life takes and the fruit it bears. If you see negative fruits of fear in your life, ask yourself this question, “What has my focus?” As we take the gaze of our soul and place it on Christ, we will experience freedom from the fear of man as well as the peace that comes from fearing God alone!