Are you tired of trying to live the Christian life in your own strength and failing? Is your spiritual life dry and fruitless? In this episode, learn how abiding in Christ is all about receiving the life and work of Christ, so that He can live through us and our lives can be a reflection of Him.
The basic definition of the word “abide” means “to dwell.” Our dwelling place is not where our physical address is; our dwelling place is determined by what we treasure the most and where the deepest desires of our heart lie. God Himself desires to dwell preeminently in us, consuming our affections and producing His fruit of our lives.
In this podcast, we dive into what it means to “Abide” in Christ and how His Words must abide in us. We find that to live fruitful and abundant lives in Christ is not an issue of self improvement or greater personal resolve, it is simply a byproduct of treasuring the Word of God within our heart. It is as God’s Word and a personal relationship with Him become the single most important priority of our lives, that the fruit of our lives will express Christ Himself. Fundamentally, abiding in Christ is about receiving the life of Christ, the Vine, so that He can live through us.
Learning to abide in Christ is the cornerstone of understanding how we live out all the other commands. Obedience to the commands of Christ is not a work of our own. It is the natural outflow of Christ living and operating within us.