Who in your life needs to see Christ’s love through you today? How can you be a channel of His compassion? Jesus, the ultimate Good Samaritan, reached down to rescue us from spiritual death, demonstrating a love we could never earn. Now, He calls us to reflect this love to others, not out of obligation but as an overflow of His grace in our lives.
Are you allowing God’s love to flow through you? How is God calling you to deepen your love for Him and those around you today? Loving God and loving our neighbor are the foundation of the Christian life, inseparable commands that fulfill all of God’s law. This love is not passive but active, requiring us to serve selflessly, forgive freely, and reflect Christ’s sacrificial love to everyone — family, neighbors, strangers, and even enemies. We cannot love in our own strength; only by abiding in Christ and receiving His love can we truly love others. Join Nate and Gabe as they take a look at Christ’s command Love Your Neighbor.