Deny Yourself — Part 2

Feb 12, 2024

What does it mean to deny yourself? And what does it look like to deny yourself daily? Listen as Nate and Gabe discuss the freedom that comes when we forget ourselves and our own interests and begin to live for the Lord’s purposes. At the core of this command to “Deny Yourself” is that we learn to say “no” to ourselves and “yes” to Jesus every time.

Simply put, to deny self is to look away from self and look to the Lord Jesus Christ. We were made for Him. Our lives don’t work when we live for ourselves. This command is an invitation to turn away from self and all the things that distract us, and enter into the life God made us to live. 

  • Gabe Cleator, Host

    Gabe Cleator loves Jesus and desires to help others to cultivate an intimate relationship with Him. His years of ministry to young men through the Journey to the Heart program as well as serving with Family Conferences have all been fueled by his desire to see people embrace Christ as the All-Sufficient One.  He holds a bachelor's degree in Biblical Ministries and currently serves as the director of the Home Discipleship Network under the ministry of IBLP. His vision as the director is dynamic and focused. He says, “My heart burns to see God's people turn back to a vibrant, living Christianity that has Christ at the center and the Word as the foundation.” In 2021, Gabe released his first book, Always and in Everything, calling God’s people to discover the power of giving thanks in all things.   Gabe and his wife, Sara, live in East Texas where they enjoy serving the Lord together. Gabe loves spending time in the great outdoors, especially when it involves taking fishing trips or visiting National Parks. From mountains and canyons, to waterfalls and wildlife, he takes great joy in the fact that his Heavenly Father made all these things!

  • Nate Paine, Host

    Nate Paine enjoys encouraging people in God’s Word. When he was eleven years old, Nate gave his life to the Lord, and about that same time, felt God’s call on his life to preach the Word. In pursuing this call, Nate earned his BA in Biblical Ministry and was licensed and ordained. In his teens and his twenties, he began to mentor young men through the Journey to the Heart as well as pour himself into prison ministry discipling inmates in multiple correctional facilities. Nate, his wife and six children live in East Texas where he serves on staff with IBLP and the Home Discipleship Network.