Have you ever considered that Jesus was born in Bethlehem (thus fulfilling the Old Testament prophecy) because Joseph and Mary were “rendering to Caesar the things that were Caesar’s”? They literally traveled to Bethlehem to pay taxes! Albeit under the rule of the corrupt Roman government, God’s divine orchestration was taking place. This episode will encourage you as Nate and Gabe share Biblical examples of “rendering to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”
In this often-overlooked command Render to Caesar Nate and Gabe will unearth the context and background of this command as well as the rich application that this holds for our lives here and now. First and foremost, we are to “render to God things that are God’s” — namely we are to surrender to God our lives which bear His image! And secondly we are to “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” It is beautiful to realize that when we honor the God-ordained authority structure, we are actually honoring God Himself and showcasing His love to those in authority!